Monday, December 15, 2008

When I Had You To Myself I Didn't Want You Around

So I accidentally pushed the back button instead of the delete button a second ago when I had already had almost all of what I was going to say typed out. Fuck. My. Life.

I miss Moo like crazy. I would do anything to see her right now but I'm pretty sure that wouldn't be appreciated due to the current time.

Anyway, as I currently have no computer internet access I am forced to forget about photoblogging until I move or work something else out. Which really sucks sing I've gotten two new tattoos in as many days. But they'll be up soon enough I suppose.

So later today I'm having christmas with Mum since I will be in Cali for actual christmas. It should be fun enough if she doesn't bring up the fact that I skipped my anthropology final and didn't bother to write the paper anyway. I really hope she doesn't. I honestly have nothing to say if she does mention it.

I'm still not sure what I'm getting her for christmas. I'll go shopping once I wake up later I guess. Talking of christmas gifts, yesterday (Saturday) I kidnapped my mother, blindfolded her, and took her to get her first tattoo as a christmas present... Naturally while we were there I couldn't resist getting something as well and I now have a complete set of wrist tattoos. Fierce.

I'm not going to lie, I'm a little jealous of my mom's tattoo. Not of the subject matter, just of the bright colours. I have an abundance of black text and greyscale work, but the only colours on me are miniscule ammounts of red and green on opposite ends and sides of my body from each other. This will change eventually but black remains my favourite colour so I'm not too bothered about it.

Still talking of tattoos, I wonder if I will get enough christmas money to go get inky in Cali, but then again, I can probably get it done significantly cheaper at home.
I'm kind of thinking of getting Psalm 23:4 of the King James version down the side of my ribs for funsies. I love text tattoos. Words speak to me more than pictures, I think its because I'm a total nerd and bibliophile. Also, I'm rather loving the idea of getting Sodom and Gomorrah tattooed onto the fronts of my ankles. But I'm not going to go rushing into that one any time soon.

There are so many tattoos that I want done all at once. I hate waiting. I feel like my entire life up to now I've just been waiting to break free. And now I am and I'm playing catch up a little. But it's a pretty fucking epic game of it that I've got going on here. I grew up so bloody sheltered. I swear I'm never going to do that to my kids. I'm not a very protective person anyway; fiercly loyal but not sheltering by any means. I'm sure I get it from the parents I've never met, specifically my mother I would assume from what I've heard of her.

Anyway I suppose I should maybe consider sleep right about now.

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