Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Preacher Likes The Cold

Good God. Today was a blizzard. It snowed like fuck all night and we ended up with more than a foot of snow. Eric drove me to the aeroport, muttering his usual mother fucker every ten seconds which is always tres amusant.

I stood in some pointless line for an hour and then listened to Disturbia on repeat while waiting for the plane. My row mate was some cool girl from Nicaragua who goes to U of M.

Highlight of my life: drink lady is coming around and asks what I want, rum and cranberry juice; a cape cod. Off dhe goes and comes back with both, hands me the rum, and doesn't even ask my age. I'm like, fuck, how old do I look? Apparently at least 25 according to my rowmate. It was so ace.

Hauled ass to get to the plane in Houston on time. Barely made it. Sat next to some cool chick from Texas who was going to Cali for Xmas to visit her parents. She was pretty boss. The turbulence was pretty fucking rad.

Daria came and picked me up with Wyatt and Gwendoline. They're way too fucking adorable. Gwendoline says kisstmiss. It's literally the cutest thing ever and the both of them sound like chipmunks or something.

Fun times with Grandma are always the best ever. She's so fucking crazy, I love it!

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