Thursday, September 17, 2009

This Is A Picture Post

The preceding are my favourite stills that I made from screenshots that I took of Rammstein's new music video. I think they turned out pretty well. It's a very... amusing video, to say the least.

I wonder if you can guess what's going on...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I just found this on Aces!

Click here for the full original picture.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Updating Phail

Sorry about being crap at updating regularly.

We are currently in the middle of the Toronto International Film Festival, which means that TDot has basically turned into Hollywood North or whatever for the week or so. So. I would like to direct everyone's attention to this post on my other blog about Ewan McGregor. Read it and then come back.

...ok. You're back.
So. The other day I was a the gala presentation of his new film, "Men Who Stare At Goats" which also stars George Clooney. Anyway, the film looks absolutely hilarious. You can find trailers for it here. Anyway, the reason I went was because I heard Ewan McGregor was in town and that he would be there and for the past 11 years, all I've really ever wanted was to see him in person, from a far, up close, whatever.

I showed up, squished my way to the front and was handed some VHS sleeves to get signed for someone since I didn't have anything for them to sign. It was Moulin Rouge and Batman, by the way. Anywho, the first person to show up was Ewan himself. He hopped out of the sexy black caddy TIFF had provided him with and went straight to doing autographs for the fans, working his way toward me.

Whenever I encounter people that I really, really, really like, I shake uncontrollably and get super nervous and a half and if they ask me questions, I'll just answer with the first thing that comes out of my mouth, thinking excluded. Oh fun. SO, I was expecting to just see him up close and have him maybe smile at me as he signed the sleeve. He got closer and closer and I got more and more nervous until suddenly, he was stopped straight in front of me, looking me right in the face with those bright blue eyes.

I don't care what anyone thinks, he is, in fact, just as attractive in person, if not more so since you can smell him. Anyway, he stood there staring at me for a fraction of a second before asking, "How are you?" and taking the sleeve from me to sign it. I didn't even know what I was saying until after I had said it. "So in love with you, you have no idea."

Not at all what I had planned on saying to him, but it was the truth... so it worked, I guess. He flashed me one of his pretty smiles and glanced down at my hands. "You're shaking like a leaf," he commented. I guess I sort of nodded or something and then suddenly, he was leaning in and his lips were against my cheek. I suddenly snapped to my senses and kissed him back on his excellently scruffy cheek. Scruffy is good, trust meeee.

I don't really remember what happened after that to be honest, but a while later George Clooney showed up and I couldn't even breathe. He sounded ever so disappointed that he had to encounter Batman, and I did apologize (breathlessly), but all the same, he decided to sign right across Ahnold's forehead. High-larious. George Clooney might be a bit of a douchebag, but he's definitely a riot.

So yeah, that was my September 11th, 2009. Best day ever? I think yes.