Sunday, March 20, 2011

Things I Miss

  • The CN Tower at night.
  • Living alone.
  • Hour-long showers.
  • Sleeping in until however.
  • The waterfront.
  • Otto der Teufel (my bike).
  • Loud music all the time.
  • Living alone.
  • Spending all day in bed.
  • Walking around naked.
  • Not doing dishes.
  • Not cleaning. Ever.
  • Doing whatever the fuck I want, whenever the fuck I want.
  • Changing my mind from being vegan, to vegetarian, to omnivore, and back, whenever I fucking want to and no-one saying shit about it.
  • Riedel (my bass).
  • Living alone.
  • Sleeping in the same bed as my bestfriend, whenever.
  • No one bossing me around in my own house.
  • Not being constantly overdoing everything.
  • Not being constantly exhausted.
  • Legends of Karaoke on Monday nights at Sneaky Dee's.
  • Parts & Labour.
  • Living alone.
  • David.
  • Spending all day just me and my vibrator. :P
  • Spending all day just riding my bike.
  • Booster Juice.
  • Not running into my students' mothers at karaoke.
  • Warm weather.
  • Sleeping on a shitty futon mattress on the floor.
  • My Holga.
  • Living alone.
  • Big cities.
  • Zooming off to NYC whenever I want.
  • Vegan restaurants.
  • Actually good vegan food.
  • Living alone.
  • All my friends.
  • Living alone.

Calgary [is Gross]

Alberta is generally gross. The Rocky Mountains are nice... but let's be honest here, they really belong in BC instead.

Friday, March 4, 2011


I want to go to Legends of Karaoke at Sneaky Dee's on Monday night with David.

Unfortunately, I can't. Seeing as the only Monday night karaoke within walking or biking distance is at "The Drake".
And I don't mean the hip one on Queen West.

They don't even have Katy Perry.


In other news, E and O from Mrs. D's first grade seem to think that they are monkeys and I am some sort of climbing pole or tree. Go ahead and hug me, but you're 6 and I reserve the right to put your leg up on me for people who are at least 18 so that I don't feel like a creep without even being the creepy one.

Another note about the hugging... feel free to hug me once when you first see me, and once before you or I leave. Maybe a hug for when something either shitty or awesome happens. Although the awesomeness can be substituted for a high-five instead, which I much prefer. Yes I like hugs, but it's really not necessary to cling onto me like I'm about to disappear. I'm not going anywhere at 2pm. Stop worrying so much.

A - you don't have to ask me how to spell EVERYTHING. It's okay to guess... and also, just so you know... my name is Danii, not Denise.

C, H, C - you've seen my inner lip tattoo. You know it's there. I know you know it's there since I've showed it to you twice. You don't have to keep asking to see it. It's a tattoo. It stays there and doesn't go away.

MG - I know you don't know my name. But it's okay because I find it highly amusing when you call me Deena.

The most irritating thing that has happened to me in a long time was the other day when there was a sub for the librarian. I love the library. I spend my first half-hour of work there, behind the desk. I get to check in books, check out books, look shit up for kids, stare at the taxidermy. Fun stuff like that. It's super relaxing and gets me ready for the day. I've been doing it for weeks now, and even got to play librarian and be a sub all day once... so basically I know what I'm doing and I have my own system...

Which is why it was really fucking frustrating for me when the sub came in and tried to tell me how to do my job. I'm the constant, you're the variable... do your own job. And if you don't need my help, tell me and I'll just go straight to first grade instead. I don't NEED to be here if there's nothing for me to do. I like checking out books even when the inbox is full. I am entirely aware of the fact that some of the kids have books they've just returned... which is why I ask them if they have or not when a warning pops up.

Unlike you, the last time I was a student in a library was 3 years ago. I remember how fucking annoying it is to have to wait for a librarian to do shit when you just wanna get your book and go back to class. Hence my reason for waiting for a lul in students before I go ahead and check in all the books.

You don't have to tell me that "Kathy ALWAYS has a system where she puts the books in order on the cart" since that really isn't what is happening. The books don't get put in order on the cart. Putting something in order implies that it is either in alphabetical or numerical order... so when I told you that, "no... she doesn't." I was, in fact, correct. There is no order for books on the book cart.

However, they do get sorted according to junior or easy fiction, and non-fiction. Sorting ≠ putting in order. You put them in order on the shelves. It was also annoying that you did this since sorting the books and putting them on the cart is what I do when there's a lag in students and I've got fuck all else to do, instead of sitting unhelpfully and doing nothing at the desk.

Seriously. I have done YOUR exact job of subbing as librarian. I do know what I'm doing and since I do this every single day, I have my own system that I don't need you fucking up.

And then, to ask in that condescending tone, "are we having a communication problem?" like I'm some insolent fourteen-year-old who just happened to wander in. Really. What the fuck. "Noooo........ I don't thiiiink sooooooo...." dripping with attitude. What other answer could I possibly give. You're treating me like a child when I'm just doing the same job that I do every single day... and then to tell me that "I've been doing this a very long time" when I haven't once seen you in this library and I've been in it every day for the past two months? Like really. Get a fucking grip and come down off your shitpile pedestal.

I am not an idiot. I am not a child.

I am a ridiculously intelligent and clever bibliophile who happens to have quite a bit of common sense and is, since you clearly failed to notice, and adult. Just because you're like thirty years older than I am does not mean that you get to treat me with disrespect. Or that I even owe you any respect since you didn't treat me with any and wouldn't let me do my job...

What the fuck even.

/rant. /pissed.