Friday, December 5, 2008

If You Must Falter Be Wise

So... yesterday, for the first time in my life, my mother asked, for serious, if I was on drugs. I laughed, and she asked what and how often. I gave her the honest answer that I don't do drugs, thank you very much. It was kind of startling that she actually thought I was on drugs, when really, I'm off drugs.

Anyway, today I half-raked the leaves. I got cold though, so I watched TV and had soup. And then I put my cat in my coat to keep me warm and went and raked the rest of the front yard and it was dark by then, so I just kind of gave up.

I got home and got this excellent e-mail from SuicideGirls telling me that I'd be totally perfect for the site and such. I'm waiting until I move to fill out the rest of my application though. But yeah, I was pretty fucking excited about that.

Disturbia is currently my drug of choice.

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