Sunday, December 21, 2008

Fuck. Why Not.

001.Name: Jordan Danielle Michaela Lambert Wright (ew)
002.D.O.B.: 27th June, 1990
003.Location: Santa Cruz, California
004.Religion: Undecided
005.Occupation: The only thing I can really put is "model"


001.Hair: Dark brown naturally, currently that and purple
002.Eyes: Amber
003.Height: Short. OH. Uh... 5'4" maybe?


001.Clothing: Anything black, haha, I dunno; it changes
002.Music: Literally everything
003.Make up: Um... whatever I feel like. Rarely mascara.
004.Body art: I prefer the term mods. At present 6 peircings (I've had 18 or so though), 10 tattoos by my count, 2 scarifications that haven't faded.


001.Wearing: Micky pants (so comfy!!!!!omjesus), cami, stein shirt, best plain black zip up hoodie ever, I live life in this sweatshirt, ferrealz.
002.Listening to: Oingo Boingo hahahahahahaha... Danny Elfman is such a fox.
003.Thinking of: How epically fucking cold it is here right now.


001.Bought: A maple leaf tattoo. It was $40 and it's on my ass. Ace.
002.Ate & drank: Uh......... chocolate soy milk and thai food.
003.Read: I re-read HP 7 the other day. <3
004.Watched on TV: Psh.... TV... so vintage. ........lies. If only I had cable.


001.Club or house party: I like shows more than anything else.
002.Tea or coffee: Chai tea.
003.Achiever or slacker: Bwahaha... achievers don't drop out of high school. Slacker fer sher.
004.Beer or cider: Guinness draught. lies.
005.Drinks or shots: Either.
006.Cats or dogs: Cats and dogs that don't lick.
007.Single or taken: It's terribly complicated.
008.Pen or pencil: Pen if I'm writing on something squishy, pencil if I'm writing on something hard. Whatever shows up the darkest.
009.Gloves or mittens: Gloves for snowboarding, mittens for looking adorable and a half.
010.Food or candy: I lived off of megawarheads for a second.
011.Cassette or cd: Mp3 or vinyl.
012.Coke or pepsi: Cocaine before either. I hate pop.
013.Hard or mild alcohol: Wtf is mild alcohol?
014.Matches or a lighter: Matches or a zippo.
015.Sunset beach or the bold and the beautiful: Uh... what?
016.Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey: Hmmm... Ricki Lake for movies, Oprah Winfrey for Obama acceptance speaches.


001.Kill: So many people... so little time. I fucking hate people. I'm not nice. Sorry.
002.Hear from: If Moo had thumbs and could speak English... however, I wouldn't mind hearing from Mum.
003.Get really wasted with: No one. I don't enjoy the feeling of being intoxicated, thanks.
004.Look like: Ha, as if. I'm fucking hot. I like looking like myself.
005.Be like: I think I mentioned how I feel about people. I'm not this arrogant in person, I promise.


001.Touched: Myself... not like that.
002.Talked to: Derek!!!!! <3
003.Hugged: Grandma?
004.Instant messaged: My friendly ex bf Louis. =]
005.Kissed: Libby. Ahh... my life.
006.Who broke your heart: Um... that doesn't happen to me. But if it did, it would have happened when I was in 10 grade and it would have been a combination of Ben Barker and Sam Ashmore all at once.


001.Eat: Wherever my mouth is.
002.Dance: Wherever my legs are.
003.Cry: Wherever my heart breaks.
004.Wish you were: Home.


001.Dated one of your best friends? Yeah.
002.Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? *sigh* Yes.
003.Drank alcohol? Frequently.
004.Done drugs? Um... if I thought pot counted as a drug I'd say yes.
005.Broken the law? Clearly.
006 Ran away from home? Just the once for a minute.
007.Broken a bone? I don't think so.
008.Cheated on a test? Nope, never.
009.Skinny dipped? Love it.
010.Played truth or dare? Haha, I love that game, I don't even care.
011.Flashed someone? Chest only.
012.Mooned Someone? Once or twice.
013.Kissed someone you didn't know? I like kissing too much to get to know people first... haha. JKish. I didn't really know TJ or Jon the first time I kissed either of them.
014.Been on a talk show/game show? No.
015.Been in a fight? I'm afraid of fighting people. I don't like pain, but I love bruises. Haha.
016.Ridden in a fire truck? Not really.
017.Been on a plane? All the time.
018.Come close to dying? I'm dying right now. And so are you.
019.Cheated on your boy/girlfriend? The only thing I cheat on are board games.
020.Gave someone a piggy back/shoulder ride? I give Carol piggy backs at shows haha.
021.Eaten a worm/mud pie? EW. No way.
022.Swam in the ocean? And the sea.
023.Had a nightmare/dream that made you wake up? I have the creepiest dreams ever.

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