Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Devistating Backstroke

So yesterday I hung out with Brendan which was honestly awful. He's far more annoying than I remember him being. So I cut that visit rather short. I now have monstro hickey right over a birthmark that apparently looks like a hickey anyway. I think it looks like a swastika. Whatever. Now when anyone actually asks if its a hickey, I'll have to say yes. Boo.

Crap time with shitty camp friends was easily made up when I called my bff Carol and asked if she could and wanted to come to Toronto with me for newyears. She said yes and so did her mom. Yay! Roadtrip! I went and picked her up and we hightailed it over to inkslingers to get my lip pierced. John actually asked if I burnt myself with a curling iron. Hahaha.

Lip piercings turned out sweeeet. I can't wait to get smaller rings put in. Its going to look epic. Alex says its too much, but I don't think so. Anyway, this lady got a tattoo of a rainbow kokopeli or however its spelt because she is an author. "Oh, cool. What do you write?" "Gay erotica fiction." "Oh. ...my parents are gay..."

Haha! We promptly went out to the front room silently laughing. Jesus on a cracker. But when we're there, we really do whatever we want since we're totally VIP customers.

I was freaking out before I got my shit pierced because Carol kept saying it was going to hurt A LOT. John sprayed my lip with some novacaine that he smuggled in from tiajuanna (sp?). It mostly made all of the inside of my mouth numb and it felt super weird. Carol held my hand the whole time, which was great because the last time anyone held my hand for a piercing or whatever I was 15 and it was my navel that was getting the needle. Thanks Carol!!

We headed over to 7-11 to get a slurpee and decided that John lieks meeee. Which I don't mind at all. He's totally adorable anyway. I got a blue raspberry and vanilla cream flavoured slurpee. It was aces hight. Carol got coffee. We also bought this crazy stretchy pink spiney penis with eyes that has this light up thing in it. I guess it was supposed to be a caterpillar.

We didn't quite want to go home so we went up to movie 16 at the mutant mall. That place is sooo ghetto creepy. We decided to see Saw V. It was pretty good. Totally sick and twisted of course.

Anyway, I'm going over to hers later today to pick her up and go park by a dumpster so that we can clean out my car. Aces! I fucking love that girl.

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