Thursday, December 11, 2008

I Wanna Hurt You Just To Hear You Screaming My Name

So this morning I went to my mother's bright and early to weasle some money out of her. Very successful indeed. Anyway, after we had breakfast I played KH2 for a while which is always megafun.

I took a nap. Unpleasant dreams of a certain someone ensued and I woke up with some random man leaning over me and scrubbing at the couch. Awkward.

After I had lunch with my mother, I headed to modern skate and surf for some much needed gear. I got some totally boss burton snowpants that I'm totally in love with, the best pair of goggles I've ever had, and a dakine hat that I'm sure I didn't need, but I fucking love hats so whatever.

I headed up to P to the fucking K-nob ater that, got all of my gear on, and got fucking snowy. I fucked up my left knee, right hip, the surface of my left hip, and both of my wrists. I've also discovered why I don't ski anymore; I suck!!!

I was boarding down shaboom and I totally ate it all down the hill and got ice burn on my hip and stomach. Not fun.

My new headphones might be rather brokenish... Ill have to look into it.

Anyway, I'm super tired and not looking forward to how my body will feel tomorrow.

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