Saturday, November 1, 2008

It's Not Real Joe

Yeah, yeah, I've been naughty not updating lately. Sorry.

My Chiodos/Silverstein tickets came in the mail the other day. I haven't been home in forever since first I was visiting mum and packing stuff and such, and now I'm babysitting the cats again. I had to stay up all night last night so that I could actually be awake to sign for a cheque. Then I went to sleep and slept until like four or so.

I called Erin to see if she wanted to go trick or treating with me. We were either going to be two general guys, Trace Cyrus and Mason Musso, or something else undecided. We ended up going as a couple from Kentucky. She was a guy with a mullet and a ridiculous fake moustache and I was rather convincingly pregnant. Which I kind of enjoyed.

We first went around Oak Park, and then to Pleasant Ridge to see Mrs. Smith, which is always fun. She was handing out Jolly Ranchers, which rocked because they're totally vegan. SCORE! Anyway, Mr. Smith wasn't there because FHS had a football game, which was super dumb because it was Halloween.

At this one house, this guy was like, "Well I can tell what you are, haha," and looking at my belly. And I was like, "What?" and made it seem like I actually was pregnant, and he was so embarrassed. It was hilarious. We wondered how many people actually thought we were pregnant.

After PR, we went to 7-11 because I wanted a slurpie. Those cravings, ya know? Haha. Anyway, after that, we went to Royal Oak where they were handing out whole big candy bars, which I really couldn't eat anyway. Apparently Erin's cute older brother Bill was somewhere around there... fun stuff.

After we were done in Royal Oak, we went to see KT and Don and stuff in Ferndale. We stayed there for a while. It was pretty funny, because KT was all poking my belly and then after a minute she was like, "Whoa, wait! Please tell me you're not actually pregnant, because that totally feels real!" Then Don came a bit later and was like, "Wait... you're pregnant?" and we all started laughing and he was so confused and finally his friend was like, "Clearly it's fake because they're all laughing."

A while later, Joe finally came. As soon as he walked over, Don goes, "Hey Joe! Jordan's pregnant!" and he's all like, "Whatt??" and he goes, "It's fake.... right? .... .... right? ... it is fake, right?" it was funnier than sin. It wasn't until we were all leaving that KT was like, "It's not real Joe." It was so mint.

After we left, we went back to Erin's and watched Juno while I sorted out my vegan candy from my non-vegan candy and gave Erin the non-vegan pile. Too bad there weren't any blue slushies to go with my Juno-ness....

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