Friday, November 7, 2008

Ok, For Real This Time

So, this morning was last night and yesterday which is today.
I took a shower and then went home and played some KH2. Square Enix is love. After that, I surfed the web for a little while and then went over to my mother's at 10 to pick her up and drive her to her new apartment. I got stuck with this kinda lame lady, only then I discovered that she really wasn't all that lame after all, which was sweet. She told me that she also likes Toronto and that if I want, I can skinny dip in the pool since there aren't cameras and it's open 24/7. I was like, "Are you encouraging delinquency?" and she simply said yes. Right on.

After that, I dropped mom off and went to the tattoo parlour to pick up some tickets John had for me. While I was there, we decided that I should have some more ink. I decided I wanted something on my back. Bad decision.

I looked through a few pages, when John suggested these massive angel wings and said he'd do the outline for $50. MINT!!!! Of course I said yes. I was thinking I'd get something small... not a ridiculously expensive huge tattoo for super cheap since I only had $85 on me. I've always wanted wings, and these things are not by any means small. They cover the width of my back and go from shoulders to the end of my ribcage.

So after he drew them out and traced them, he put the outlines on my back which took a while and was an odd slimy journey. They were perfect when he got them on. Yay!! So he did the right side first. It super hurt near the bottom, less towards the top, but by no means was it a comfortable experience. After he got the first wing done, we took a break for a while and I talked on the phone to Libby. He came back and started on the second one while I was still on the phone to Libbsy. I had to hang up straight away because talking was way too much to think about when he was needling my back across my ribs.

They were awesome when they were finished. I went home and called Carol. She convinced me to come to Dracula tonight, so I told her that I would buy her two extra tickets off of her and come see it. I took a shower to wash the goo off of my back and then got dressed and went down to the theater. I bought her two tickets and spent the rest of my time hanging out with my little HS friends. I then chilled with Brian in the tech booth and stayed there until intermission. I was super tired, so I told Carol I'd see her on Sunday and I went home, not without talking to Dameon, Dan, and Kein though!!

Anyway, I have to pass out now. Seeya.

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