Saturday, November 22, 2008

Only You Can Make Every New Day Seem So New

It's still freezing, which is an excellent sign. I can't wait until there is enough snow to go snowboarding. I only went once last winter... a very depressing thought considering my excellent board. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and I've only gotten to use it twice.

Every New Day, by Five Iron Frenzy is currently fueling my brain. It reminds me of Ben... I miss him. I wish I had gotten to see him in Grand Rapids when I was there last week. Oh well. This song is so amazing... as is the band. Ska is so badass.

So this morning I woke up super late... like... 11:45 because I stayed up hideously late last night. Until about 5 am. I'll be going to bed earlier tonight. But anyway, after I was awake, I went to Alex's house to cut and dye her hair for her. I gave her this pretty cool layered look and took off an inch or so from the bottom, she seemed to really like it, which was good.

After that, we had adventures in bleaching and then I showed her the music video for Situations, which is always fun. After that, we went to my parents' house for a mo. and then went back to her house to dye her hair purple. When we were done with hers, we decided to dye mine too. Purple mohawk. Hell. Yes.

I went back to my parents' house to get food and then bring the rest of my boxes upstairs. After I was done, I came back home. Since it's a Saturday night, I might listen to the Bay City Rollers and drink rum... but I'll probably just sleep.

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