Thursday, January 1, 2009

Twenty Four Hours To Go, I Wanna Be Sedated

Early yesterday morning, I woke up, got some shit together, and drove over to Carol's to pick her up. She was in the shower, so I talked to her highly caffinated, but fun sister Leah. She really likes Mickey Avalon.

Carol and I drove to Windsor, exchanged some money, and then went through the tunnel. On the other side, we were asked a few questions, nothing too much, and then let through. The 401 was closed when we tried to get on, so we detoured to where it was opened for good.

The drive was basically 2 and a half hours of country farm lands, and 1 and a half hours of cities. We made a stop at Maccas and got some food and went to the bathroom. I have to admit, on the drive there, I almost killed us a few times because I was paying more attention to my BlackBerry than to the road.

Hamilton, Burlington, and Oakville seemed rather decent. But we didn't stop in any of them, maybe I will later. We hit traffic going into the city and got off the highway to get gasoline. We were pretty lost and bored so we played a game of trying to pronounce license plates.

We parked and paid 19 and then walked straight to Eaton. I definitely fucked up some ligaments at some point while driving. Anyway, we chilled in there for a while, but it was super hot so we left pretty quickly. We walked down to Queen and Parliament to get pizza at this boss restaurant called the Magic Oven.

I'm pretty sure we passed someone on crack, a couple hobos, and some creepers on our walk there. Everything around the restaurant was pretty ghetto. It looked almost like Detroit or Warren, we thought so, anyway. We split a pizza with soy cheese, tomato sauce, and onions/pineapples. I had the pineapple side.

Carol hated it, but I would walk down to Ghettoville with a torn ligament type thing, walking past crackheads and creepers any day to get pizza that epically good. Oh, and on the way back, I stepped in puke. Twice.

We went to Eaton again and got Starbucks and went up to the food court to work things out. We decided that just leaving would be the best plan. So we went to the car, and got comfy. We slept in the car there for a few hours before leaving and driving out of the city.

After I almost killed us again a few times while on my BB, Carol offered to drive and I graciously accepted. We had a few misadventures while looking for gasoline. We got some, and then got super tired while driving so we parked off the side of the highway and slept under a streetlight.

That didn't go well at all. When I woke up, I was as tired as I had been when I went to sleep. We drove until we got across the boarder at Sarnia, got told to get sleep by the customs officer, and promptly parked at a rest stop and slept until 5.30 am. The worst thing about waking up was it was freezing.

On the way home, apparently I was driving like a drunk, so we got pulled over by two cop cars hahaha. One asked if we had been drinking while the other scraped our windows for us. When he decided that we were probably more tired than inebreated, he let us go on our way. It wasn't that had to believe seeing as it was 6.40 am by that time.

The cops woke us right up and I dropped Carol off at 7 and quickly went home and slept FOREVER. It was so great. I might go back to sleep or I might get food.

Happy New Year.

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