Sunday, January 18, 2009

I'm The Hiphopopotamus; My Lyrics Are Bottomless... A-Hem...

So tonight my friend David and I basically did a pub crawl... or what would have been a pub crawl if I were actually of age and had a real ID. Hahaha... but I am still amazed at how many people just do not care at all that it's very clearly fake. He met me at my house while I was still doing my makeup.

We went down the street to Bistro 422 and were ID'd inside. The guy was fine with my fake Virginian ID which amused me to no end. I had half a mini pitcher of Killer Koolaid, which is like... cranberry something and melon and vodka. That stuff was good. After that we took pictures and stuff, and apparently I'm still ridiculously photogenic. WIN! Anyway, I also had a shot of Carrot Cake or something which was goldschlager and some other stuff, and a shot of sour puss after that which was amazingly good and tasted a little bit like cough medicine.

After that, we went and got some bad ass pizza at Cora's at like... not quite Bloor and Spadina or something like that, I had vegan pizza with pineapple and really great garlic bread. David and I took the streetcar back down to College and Bathurst and went to Sneaky Dee's. He had a White Russian, which I tried, it was good. I had a Long Island Ice Tea and a Cosmopolitan. We headed over to Strange Love to dance, but the bouncer sent me away; it really depends on the bouncer more than the bar. We got into this other club, but there was a cover fee, so we left.

We went to Metro/Dominion and got me food for the next few weeks. First I was walking with the shopping cart like a weirdo, then I started doing this knees up monty python-esque walk, before switching to only doing it on the left leg which made it look like a very strange involuntary twitch... until I started giggling uncontrollably about it. So basically, I looked completely insane.

As an endnote, The Killers are no longer my favourite band. They have been bumped down to second. Flight of the Conchords is the shit. Get Into It!

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