Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I Am The Walrus

Very early this morning, say… 4 or so, I discovered the most amazing food ever. Tofurkey and applesause sandwiches. What you do, is you put a bunch of faux butter on both pieces of toast, and then you put a slice of tofurkey on top of that, and then add a spoonful of applesauce, then another layer of tofurkey and so on until you get to your last piece of tofurkey, and you put the other slice of bread on top, then cut it in half and eat it. It’s AMAZING.

I woke up at like… 1 or two, watched the rest of Little Miss Sunshine, and started straightening up the house. It took a few hours, but after I was done, I got dressed and watched Law and Order. I’m so excited for Jeff Goldblum to be on that show!!! I met him once in Hollywood. Sort of… he bumped into my friend and I and apologized. He was sooo tall!

I rode my crap bike to school. I can’t wait to get another one. Fixed-gear baby, yeah! I parked it at the school, then walked to Starbucks a few blocks down the street and got a hot chocolate… soy, of course. It was bloody freezing and my legs went numb. I got back to school and went to the classroom to wait for class to start.

Overly-Religious Lady came in and I got into a long drawn out some-what one-sided conversation that I couldn’t really get myself out of, which was kind of annoying. Because I didn’t want to be rude and ignore her, but I really just wanted to listen to my music… loudly.

So far, I’m loving being a vegan, although I haven’t exactly been strict lately, I did JUST start, so please go easy on me vegans of the world. And usually, when I slip up, it’s because I didn’t know a food item wasn’t vegan.

Class was kind of boring. We watched a pretty good movie though. Half way through class, I threw my pencil at Jim and he stole it. I want it back. I have a shortage of good drawing pencils and that was one of them… and it had been in my mouth earlier.

After class, I rode my bike home, which was kind of awful. It was freezing and my legs were all numb, and I fell over adjusting the strap on my bag. So now my inner knee is all scraped up from my bike. I need one of those single strap backpacks that go diagonally and clip… My mother said she’s get me a new bike for Christmas. YAY!!! I’ll just have to pick it out and see how expensive it is. Hopefully it’s not too expensive.

Anyway, I think I’ll attempt to get to French class somewhat on time tomorrow, so that means going to sleep now-ish… or maybe I’ll order some pinapple pizza without cheese and some cinnamon sticks… I wonder if that is vegan…

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