Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Dreammaker's Gonna Make You Mad

This morning, I was ub bright and early. I got a yummy iced tea from the bucks then headed over to Kensington and UrbHerb. The curry wasn't ready when I got there, so I got a BBQ tofu sandwich instead as well as juice, 2 cookies, and a muffin.

The jucie was nastily healthy. I felt every piece of junkfood I've ever had melt away as I was drinking it. It was kind of awful. Decidedly enjoyable though. The sandwich was orgasmic and I got sauce from it all over my muddy banks ofthe wishkah Nirvana tshirt. Oh well, it was already dirty.
Some creeper hit on me, so I told him I was a boy. Ahahahhaa. This is especially hilarious because of my long hair (today), girly clothes, and exploding clevage. It was an epic win for all parties involved. I couldn't think of anything else to say though.

I ate my breaky then took a 5 hour long nap then went and got pizza. I think I might have been flirting with the girl at the pizza counter, I have no idea. But it was a funny thought as I was walking out of there.

When I got home, Shayna and I watched the amazing race together as we do on Sunday nights. It was pretty good. Now I'm hungry again, so I think I'll eat my muffin that I was saving for breakfast tomorrow.

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