Monday, May 10, 2010

Welcome To The Black Parade

so my mom's funeral and stuff was pretty well outlined. but there was some bullshit to be dealt with that still hasn't been dealt with… not down. but anyway. this made me realize that i have very, very specific ideas about what i want for my funeral.

firstly, it has to be called a funeral. it's not a memorial service, and it's not a celebration of my life. it's a funeral. nice and fucking morbid.

there have to be flowers. dying red roses only. maybe some white ones. the white ones have to be alive though. but mostly red. and mostly half dead. nice and crispy.

the most prominent colour has to be black. because a. it's morbid and makes people uncomfortable, since it's a funeral. and b. it's my favourite colour.

there has to be a human skull somewhere… just for fun. =3.

if someone even mentions god in any way other than, "oh my god" i will come back from the dead and fucking haunt them. nothing religious. it has to be a party.

there has to be a dress-code. anything goes as long as it is black. NO. BRIGHT. COLOURS. especially not yellow. because it's fugly.

no alcohol. no meat. everything has to be vegan. and there has to be red velvet cupcakes with black frosting. and cake. with black frosting. actually. black fondant.

just really awkwardly unpleasant halloween type shit. things i'd love.

there has to be music and i insist upon strobe lights. about the music… nothing spiritual. nothing religious. rammstein and dance music. and by dance music, i mean whatever i have on my computer in my dancey playlists.

as for my body, burn it and make me into a daisy garden. irony at its finest. <3

OH. WAIT. I LIED. it can't be called a funeral. it has to be a "death day party". please and thank you.

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