Saturday, January 30, 2010

I'm From Michigan

So I love:

Better Made Chips
The White Stripes
Electric Six
Iggy Pop
Alice Cooper
Coney Island Restaurants
And getting lost in Mexican Town

Also. Apparently I sound funky when I talk. (Like if I was to read that sentence aloud, I wouldn't have actually pronounced the t in apparently or the d in sound, this is called a glottal stop, by the way. I just would have kind of stopped and moved on to the next sound. And it would have been fast.) I enjoy talking about Michigan accents, so I think I'll continue on this train of thought.

So I very rarely pronounce the letter t. Like letter = ledder. But I always pronounce the g at the end of a word. Such as morning is always morning and never mornin'. Because mornin' sounds country. And I am not country. Another thing about the t. If an n is involved in the word, it gets gone entirely, such as cantaloupe. That's cannaloupe, by the way.

My friend keeps telling me about how he got in "a wreck" and I'm wondering, what on earth is a wreck? How do you get in a wreck unless you're on a boat? Apparently he's talking about a car wreck. Which I would call an "acciden". Because no one in Michigan says "wreck" unless they're talking about the ships in Superior (which is soo-peer-ier, by the way). Aunt = ant.

There's both. I say it both, but some people I grew up with say bolth. Maybe I say it both ways sometimes? Comfortable is decidedly comfterbul. I love when I ask any Canadian if they have crayons. Because when I ask, I say, "Ch have any cranz?" because firstly I say do-you too quickly for them to be distinguished as two separate words, and secondly because I butcher the pronunciation of crayons, and they honestly have no idea what I am asking to borrow.

Apparently I also say eavestrough instead of rain gutter... does no one else really call it an eavestrough? I totally thought that was normal. One of my favourites is "fridgerator". Yes. I actually say this. Yes. I realize I sound like a moron when I do. No. I do not care. Hahkee, cahlidge, pahp. Weird, right?

I like to squish words together. I am going to = imma. And such and such.

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