Tuesday, January 12, 2010

MiniFridge Koolaid

So, I really like Koolaid. But I have no pitchers, and I only have a minifridge. So here's an easy solution if you find yourself in a similar predicament and would rather buy 1 pack of Koolaid mix and a bag of sugar instead of paying for the little individual packets.

What you need is:
1 Cup of sugar
1 packet of Koolaid mix
A water bottle, I used an empty vitamin water bottle
Warm water

Put the Koolaid mix in the empty bottle, measure out the sugar and carefully pour it in as well. Fill the rest of the bottle up with warm water so that the sugar melts faster. Screw the lid on tightly and then just shake it up until it's all mixed and everything is dissolved. Then just stick it in the fridge for later. When you want Koolaid, just pour some into a glass or water bottle, and add a bunch of water so that it isn't so concentrated.

So there you have it, low-space Koolaid. Loves it.

Also. Listen to this song. It's good.

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