Sunday, January 24, 2010


So tonight... last night? Something.
Anyway. I went to this... party... thing something. I don't know what to call it. But it was at Sneaky Dee's hosted by my buddy Cole and some of his friends.

My friends were going to come, but they decided to get balls-high instead and be super lazy. This is why I don't do drugs. They take away all motivation to be remotely interesting. I would know. I was definitely kind of a stoner in highschool for like 2 months.

So I told them I'd go to this thing for like 10 minutes, seeing as it would probably be lame, like all things are, but I just like to randomly turn up at places to make it seem like I have an interesting social life other than crashing my skateboard and walking to restaurants.

This plan backfired when the music was amazing. There was this crazy girl dancing on a speaker or something. I wanted to put her in my pocket and take her home. She was the most ridiculous person I have ever seen. It was great. There were actually a few ridiculous people around, now that I mention it.

The windows fogged up so I went around writing things like, "Nom Nom Tillius" and "Ich liebe RZKitty für immer" etc. AH. Since I mention dear Herr Kruspe, I would also like to take this opportunity to inform everyone that I will no longer be referring to him as Richard or Kitty. He is now "Dick". And what does Dick do? Dick plays guitar. And oh how I love Dick. Glamourous Dick is so fabbity fab and gorgey. Enough of that.

So, I met people, danced with people, and got offered every drink ever. I decided on orange juice. I'm sure I looked drunk because A. I'm a ridiculous dancer. I do not regret this at all. I live to move and I love to dance. Also, B. The floors were slippery with god-knows-what so I kept sliding around like a tipsy asshole.

Afterwards, I bought a cupcake and went to my friends' house. They have a cute cat. He's super fuzzeh. My ridiculously high friend decided to eat all of my cupcake... except for the chocolate-chips. So that was kind of a bummer. We played a fun game of trying to guess where Richard was from because I had just noticed his bizarro accent. I was really off the ball with accents today. I was talking to some Australian girl without even knowing she was Australian. Good job me.

I was going to leave, but then I walked past Chris' room and discovered that not only did he have a bass, he also had a trumpet. Fun times were had by... well. Me. Super out of tune trumpet though. And lots of 12:51 happened. Since he has an amp. And I do not. Which suuucks.

We then found a breathalizer thingy. I was the only person who blew a 0.00. After that, I left. Walked back to Sneaky's to get a cucpake for myself this time, and went home. On my way there, the street was blocked off and there were police cars all over on College between Spadina and Bathurst. I asked the media dude who was filming there what had gone on. Apparently a car hit a pedestrian.

I got myself home, wrote half this blog entry, then apparently passed out for 5 hours. And now I'm going back to sleep because it's a LAAAAZY Sudae.

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