Friday, January 8, 2010


Last night, I was really hungry.

And I suppose I could have used cash. But instead, I decided to count out all the change I had, ($15.60) and bring it up to Burger King to buy some veggie burgers.

I'm surprised the lady at the counter didn't hate me when she had to count out fifteen dollars in dimes and nickels. I would have hated me.

Anyway, I got 4 veggie burgers, went home, ate them in like 20 minutes with a bunch of orange juice while watching The Princess and The Frog (which I'm pretty sure is racist) and was subsequently still hungry.

I eat a lot...

Also, talking about incurable hunger, they have energy drinks that come in bloodbags. Nast! Only... I maybe kinda want one? But mostly just to walk around drinking out of an IV bag to creep people out.

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