Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I love children so much. I'm so lucky to be able to spend all day with them.
I love my job so, so, so much.

Every morning, I get to go to the library for a half-hour. I have my tea. I check in books. I re-arrange taxidermy birds.
Then, at 9, I go to a 1st grade class and do a bunch of different things. Helping. Reading. Being read to. Cutting. Colouring. Stapling. Saying "please sit at your desk".

After that, at 10, I sometimes go back to the library, or I have morning break for half an hour and then do reading work with 3rd graders... and then I go back to the library, or to lunch.

After lunch, I go to second grade and do general helpful things.

At 2, I go back to 1st grade and help them with their end-of day things, then gym class, then getting all their stuff together to leave school and go home.

Today, I got licked on the arm. Sortof. This boy had been sucking on his fingers... and then he ran them down my arm. Which was kind of gross but also rather endearing. I seem to enjoy the wild-child kids most. The ones who remind me of myself at that age... even if they are mis-behaving all the time. Maybe because they are and do.

I jumped rope in gym class. I was actually still pretty good at it... although next time I think I'll empty out my pockets first next time so that all the contents of them don't go bouncing across the floor.

I got a snowboard and bindings today. So much cheaper than I had anticipated! I was originally expecting the board to be $17 at least and the bindings to be $30+, but as a sweet deal, I got the board and bindings for $18! And I had gotten boots and a bicycle for $20 last Friday. I can't live without a bike, really.

I mean. I can I guess. I did for quite a while... and I miss Otto der Teufel, but you can't beat a cheap bike when your preferred one is unavailable... right? It's kinda fucked, but the frame is nice. It's an old Raleigh with horizontal drop-outs. It's the exact sort of frame I always sort of thought about having. Don't get me wrong, I love Otto more than anything, but sometimes, a vintage frame is nice to have.

I just can't wait to be back on a bike.

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