Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Beast Below

One of my favourite episodes of Doctor Who is called "The Beast Below". (I highly recommend watching this show as it is amazing.)

"So is this how it works, Doctor? You never interfere in the affairs of other peoples or planets... unless there's children crying."

He does, but that's not the point of this episode. The point is that if you can do something, you shouldn't have to watch children cry...

"What if you were really old, and really kind, and alone. Your whole race dead, no future. What couldn't you do then? If you were that old, and that kind, and the very last of your kind, you couldn't just stand there and watch children cry."

I really can't either.

But, working in an elementary school, it usually happens at least once a day. And usually, the reason they are crying is because they want attention, or they're having some sort of fit in order to get what they want, or because they can't get what they want. So I just have to watch them cry because it's teaching them some sort of lesson or something ridiculous like that.

During gym, apparently one boy elbowed another, which resulted in the elbowee crying on the bench. I went to see what was wrong, and he told me, so since it wasn't some sort of attention fit or whatever, I hugged him, picked him up, and carried him to his teacher and told her what had happened, and then sat back down on the bench with him.

Hugging children when they're crying feels a million times better than having to just ignore them.

A horse and a man, above, below,
One has a plan but two must go.
Mile after mile, above, beneath,
One has a smile, one has teeth.
Though the man above might say hello,
Expect no love from the beast below.
In bed above we're deep asleep,
While greater love lies further deep.
This dream must end, this world must know,
We all depend on the beast below.

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