Sunday, February 20, 2011

I'm So Blogging This...

Last night I was supposed to stay with my roommate in a charming little bed and breakfast in Banff.

Now, if you know anything about me, you probably (should) know about my ridiculously severe vomit phobia.
If someone vomits in my vicinity, I will vacate the area while having severe panic attacks: hyper ventilating, crying, and shaking uncontrollably.

Suffice it to say, I don't do barf.


I went to bed at 11 or 12 and my roommate was still out doing whatever.

He came home past 1am, woke me up, then went and started puking in the bathroom because apparently he drunk himself into oblivion or whatever.
I told myself I was being paranoid and hearing things.

At 2:30, I really couldn't hold myself together anymore, so I quickly packed up my things, called a cab to take me back to Canmore, and went outside the B&B.

On my way, I had to step over my semi-coherent roommate who was sprawled on the floor of the hallway, shirtless, upper half in the bathroom, legs in the hall. What even.

"Can't sleep. Gotta go. Take the bed. Byeeeee!!!!"

And I was gone. I spent the night at a hostel in Canmore which was mega and way more relaxing.

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