Thursday, April 2, 2009

You Look Like Something I Want

Last night I decided to go for a late night skateboarding session through the sidewalks of Toronto when they would be empty enough not to kill people. Even though I really don't know how to skateboard. I've discovered that it really really is not as much like snowboarding as I thought it was. But what's the point of having a $200 custom built board if you can't use it? Anyway, I mostly glided my way downhill a little past Queen, pretending I was Stacy Peralta - the epic hair. Oh how I wish. Or maybe even Jay Adams. One of the Z-Boys. Although, I was probably most like Sid who was quite bad at skating.

I found a nice man who told me that unlike on a snowboard, with skateboarding, you put your foot in the middle of the board. Ahahaha, oh how little I know. I need to watch Lords of Dogtown again; I effing love that movie. Especially repeating "Are you guys lost or whaaaaaaat?" Five times after Heath Ledger says it in that crazy accent of Skip's.

Anyway, I totally ate it in this lovely parkinglot down the road. I'm very very glad I wore $25 Bullheads instead of $200 Nudies to go boarding because I trashed the right knee of those pants.

So anyway, I was walking back home when I saw this lovely smooth ramp on the Ryerson campus right near the Ram. I skated down it 3 times and the 3rd, I didn't quite get my left foot off the board so I ended up twisting my right knee and falling straight on it and into a pillar. I'm a tiny bit excited to finally have injured myself in some sport related way... Unlike the one time I sprained my ankle in 8th grade during English class while walking down the hallway.

Anyway, I got up under the impression that I was pretty okay, walked about 30 feet, and decided that holy fuck I was absolutely not okay. Annnywho. I walked home because I'm a toughie and got some ice, decided that really really wasn't gonna cut it and then headed to the ER just down the road.

I was there from 1 to 5 in the AM with some rather interesting characters. I got some xrays taken which is always interesting because I got to see my bones. They're prettier than yours are :P. Haha. Kidding. But they're very nice looking. Completely sublime. Its why I keep them hidden. If you saw them, you'd stare until I smacked you.

They sent me home on crutches. Oh fun times. Crutches are like this awful involuntary full upperbody work out including arms and abs that's almost worse than just walking since they bruise your arms and ribcage on both sides. Horrid, horrid things. I just walked home.

the crutches came in great handy this morning though since my knee was being megaevils. Probably because I had just woken up. Anyway, I took a shower and then headed to the ram for lunch since its way close.

Rob was working today which was awesome as we got to get caught up a little and such. The food there is amazing, by the way, so go if you get the chance. I went back home, took a nap, woke up, ate the rest of my thai tofu wrap, went back to sleep, and then now I'm awake again and about to go watch some epic Thursday night TV!

I'm so stoked its finally spring!

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