Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hittin The Board For The Lord

Saved! is such a boss movie. Chad Faust (I have his auto!!) And Patrick Fugit are such foxes frsrs.

So today I hung around not doing too much. My knee is fully functional now, although if I touch it, not so good.

Alexander Mac aka FrankenMac decided to restart on me, which means I won't be word processing any time soon as I've decided to just wait until I get a new computer to attempt to turn it on again I suppose I'll have to transfer my files now. I might as well save up for a new iPod and begin a new collection on a new computer as Hamish is nearly full anyway and I don't really bother keeping music files on Aly as they just slow it down and take up picture space.

Maxim DeWinter was going strong until it decided to conk out on the internet half way through the day, so I've been sticking to Alohisha GG for the rest of the day, not my fave as Maxim has the better battery and MSN. But oh well, I'm sure it'll fix itself eventually.

I found my nobabies noperiod pills in the back pocket of my nudies today, too late. I guess I'll just bleed this week and not worry about it for another 3+ months. Not so much yay. I'm awkwardly crampy, which is hella weird as I don't usually get crampy anymore. Oh well.

I decided to get back on my skateboard today and skated down to metro for something to drink. I ended up with green poweraid and bugles as its vegan and yummy. I ate them a little quick and got queasy to Andrew WK. I decided to go chill with the roomies. That was good fun. Some hilarious guys came over and everyone tried as hard as they could to get me to take a hit of weed or a sip of their vodka, however as I say, "I don't drink or do drugs."

So then they called me straightedge. *eyeroll* Which is hella lame. Being clean doesn't require a lable just like drinking occasionally doesn't either, so why the fuck be pretentious and give it one? I haiiiiiight sXe people who are oh so proud to call themselves straightedge. Get a life and get over yourselves.

So now a total of 10 or so people have seen my tattooed ass. Ahahaha, the only person who has seen it more than once is meeee!!! I don't show it off much, butt I like to look (see what I did there?).

I think I might have athsma. I'll wait until I get a healthcard to explore that further. The last time I smoked a cigarette, half nearly killed me (and then I almost died falling down a run on my snowboard because it mellowed me out way much) and then I had this crazy hacking nasty cough when people were smoking pot in the kitchen... So yeah, I'll get that checked out. I've discovered that I'm not deaf in my left eat; my headphones just suck ass.

Last night I had this epic dream about Jurassic Park, which has me jonesing to read the book again. Last time, I distinctly remember listening to it on tape early early in the morning, in the spring, while having bought a ton of shit, chai tea, and hot dogs from 7/11 and then having them with mama in the livingroom. And then later probably skipping school as I often did when I was a junior. It was a fun year. I like that I only really went to high school for two years. Everyone always says, "yeah, it sucks; but you have to go," when really, you actually don't have to go at all. Obviously.

I'm dyyying to nerd out over JPark when I finally get my hands on a copy. I'm also looking forward to reading Nabakov's Lolita. Fersher. I hear its megahellauber dirty as fuck. Oh goodie. I've wanted to read it ever since I heard that one Police song.

Probably work on cleaning the room tomorrow. It needs it + my keys are AWOL/MIA/POW. Sleep now though. I neeed it. Shaved my sides today with clippers I found + can put hair in ponytail. Stoked!

Must see ily, man.

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