Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Times Square Is Fat (And Horrid)

I went to Times Square for the first (and hopefully last) time today. What an overrated place. Everyone makes such a big deal about it being all wonderful and such.

I feel they don't really understand it.

It's fat and vomitous and disgusting, really. I've never been so repulsed by a place in my life. It's a celebration of advertisements and consumerism and materialism. It's everything that is wrong about the way people in this country think put on display with shiny lights. Horrific.

Everyone says, "Oooh, look at how great it is!!!" It's like walking into a television and being force fed every advertisement you've ever seen. There is a reason some people mute the television or change the channel when a commercial comes on... but Times Square is like the commercials without the regular programing.

So embarrassing.

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