Monday, December 7, 2009

It's About That Time

I guess I should probably talk about my new tattoo right about now so that my mom reads this and doesn't freak out at me when she sees it since I never told her about this "Jimmy guy". Because she will see it. It's on my wrist. (Hi Mum)

Anyway. I guess this story should start on Friday evening. I had just gotten all of my things moved into my new apartment and one of my best friends invited me out to his friend's birthday party at the Wreck Room. But we decided to meet in Dundas Square super early. I got a sandwich from Subway that had basically nothing on it, but was vegan... which is why there was like nothing on it. But it was toasted so it was still really yummy and I might want another one today... maybe I'll go to Quiznos up the street...

Moving on. So David and I meet up outside H&M, and then go to Starbucks and I got a green tea latte which I later spit on the sidewalk outside of H&M and he totally thought I was throwing up, but I was actually laughing, and then it was green, so he thought I had some Exorcist shit going on.

Anyway, misadventures happened with other friends and somehow the topic of how when people first meet David, they always think his name is Jimmy for some reason. I don't even know anyone named Jimmy... except for that one kid I went to school with in elementary school who I don't even talk to anymore. So whatever.

We somehow decided that we would both be Jimmy. I really don't remember this since I was at some place called Fuck-Ass's bar, which I guess isn't actually called that but was used for the filming of The Boondock Saints. I ended up on my knees with two boys pointing finger guns at my head and reciting lines from the movie. There was this weird bluegrass band playing irish songs and the bassist's bass had no body... it was just a neck. So strange.

The point is that David and I are now "Jimmy". Saturday evening, we woke up and went out for breakfast at 3pm. I decided I definitely needed to get a tattoo that says "Jimmy" and then I did. I don't believe in getting someone else's name tattooed on you unless they're your kid, or it's your own name. However, technically I'm Jimmy slash it's an inside joke between friends, so I'm completely fine with it since Jimmy isn't a real person in this case. Which makes it even funnier.

Anyway, I got it done at the Tattoo Rock Parlour because it was empty and I didn't feel like waiting. Good decision. The guy who did it was awesome and it turned out excellently and I gave him a ten dollar tip, he was really surprised and appreciative about this, which makes me want to come back and get more done and give him more awesome tips so that he gives me sweet discounts.

Anyway. This is my tattoo.

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