Friday, February 6, 2009

Ohne Dich...

Yes please.

That is Till, but apparently some people call him Herr Lindemann. Smexy.
He's from Germany. He IS a bass. He's farrr too old for me; 46. But I freakin' WANT him. He's sooo pretty. Aaaaannnnndddd. He's shy, so he doesn't like giving interviews and hates being stared at. How adorable of him.

So yesterday I was saved from boredom by three girls who decided to get tattooed. They all had quotes about love, and they kept saying "proper" as an adjective that I took to mean "cool". All in all, I felt they were rather, "common". I'm pretty sure they were like... 17 at most. AAANNNYYYway. I was saved from having to deal with that because David walked in.

He and I went to Urban Herbivore and got "special" mushroom soup for his friend who was sick. We also got breadsticks, a muffin, and vegan hot chocolate for ourselves. We went to his friend's house. I showed them a REALLY funny picture. Which isn't half as funny if I don't tell you the comment dearest Libby made first. So I made an LOLCATZ out of it. You can view this by clicking here.

Anyway. After that, we went to swing dancing class, which was pretty fun. I learnt how to swingdance. Yay me! I suckish.

Today, I didn't feel well, so I stayed in bed ALL day. I finally went out to Strange Love. Epic fail-ish. I got in the door, down to the coat-room, and then this bouncer followed me and was like, uh... can I see your ID again? Like, I swear to dick these dudes think I'm like... 15 and will NOT let it slide. It's so dumb. So I went to Sneaky Dee's instead and got a cosmopolitan and a bunch of nachos.

Look! It's Lilu!

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