Saturday, July 23, 2011

Dead People

So I guess Amy Winehouse just died and people are flipping their shit about it.
What about the Norwegians who got massacred today? Come on people. You need to sort out your priorities.

Anyway. Half the shit I see is "BLESS HER SHE WAS WONDERFUL" and the other half is kindof jokesy or like "She was a drug addict what about Norway?" And there's also people who are like, SHE WAS WONDERFUL DON'T SAY SHE WAS A DRUG ADDICT BLAH BLAH.

But like. She was a drug addict.
Not that that's a bad thing or whatever. Far be it from me to judge anyone on decisions they make which do not directly affect me. She could have been a junkie or straight edge and neither would really have made any difference to me.

So since she WAS a drug addict, why is it so bad now that she's dead to mention this?

My mother was annoying as all hell sometimes. She drove me insane and I wanted to kill either her or myself. Not always. But sometimes. When she was annoying me, that's totally how I felt. And I don't think it's wrong to say these things just because she's dead. I certainly said them when she was alive.

Teenagers are supposed to kindof hate their parents... right? Too bad she didn't last until I wasn't a teenager anymore. Oh well.

Anyway. The reason I can say these things and not feel bad is because even though she was annoying sometimes and drove me mental and I did just want her to go away, I can also recognise that I miss her driving me fucking insane. I'd give almost anything to have her back and being annoying as all shit. I miss wishing she'd go away and leave me alone.

If you can be alright with yourself saying something when someone is alive, you should sure as hell feel alright with yourself saying it when they're dead. If neither, just don't say it.

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