Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Summer Room

Toronto in the spring is wonderful. Toronto in the summer is wonderful. Toronto in the fall is wonderful.

I get to spend my whole summer until September in the most glorious room. It's right in the middle of Parkdale, which means it's close to hip hang outs, close to the beach, close enough to the city center, close to no frills, close to a shopper's, close to the library... pretty much close to everything worth being close to. Which is why I love Parkdale so, so much. When I first moved to Parkdale in 2009, I didn't really even notice anything because it was getting cold out and I was busy. Once it got warmer and I became less busy, I noticed what a fucking fabulous neighbourhood I was living in. Naturally, when I got back from Alberta, I refused to live anywhere else. Why on earth would I want to? Cheap rent and all the above listed perks of living here... forget about anywhere else.

So anyway, suffice it to say, I'm pretty fucking stoked.

There's a nice sunny window with a quaint garden view. A wardrobe and dresser, which are a VERY nice change from living out of two suitcases squished under my bed + a large pile of clothes IN my bed. A desk, room for my bags to be hidden away, and it's about the same size as my old apartment with a nice big bathroom next door, and a good sized kitchen just up stairs. And I get a porch! And I don't have any psychotic drunk neighbours who will throw things at the walls and scream out the window at 7am. Fuck that dude. Seriously.

I shall now lounge in the gloriousness that is my summer flat.
Good night, and good luck.

I should totally see that movie, shouldn't I?


I bought Walk The Line yesterday.
I've spent forever in a coma of the deliciousness of Joaquin.

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