Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Johnny Cash; Underwear


I'm celebrating the fact that I can once again walk around in a thong and tank top without anyone flipping their shit saying I'm inappropriately appareled.

I'm celebrating the fact that I can once again do whatever the fuck I want, whenever the fuck I want.

I'm celebrating the fact that I, once again, am home.

<3 Hello Toronto. It's nice to be back.

And tomorrow, I'm going downtown to finally buy Walk The Line. Because no video shop in Canmore had it.

However, I do still mourn the fact that I was away during every opportunity to see Rammstein.
Fuck my life. They mean absolutely EVERYTHING to me.

So close when we were in Edmonton on the same nights... but could I go see them?

Of course not.

Europe. In Europe, I can.

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