Friday, May 11, 2012

Why Did I Do This?

I just got all of the A Song of Ice and Fire books delivered to me.

They all range from the high 700s - 1100s in terms of page numbers. 
There are 5 of them. (But books 3 and 5 are "too long" so they came in 2 volumes so there's 7 total)

It's so intimidating having 7 giant books staring at me. 

Like, yeah, I read all 3 Hunger Games books in less than a week, but... they were little and young adult fiction. I don't think I've ever read a book series meant for adults before. Which is hilarious, but whatever. I love reading teenager books for some reason. 

Anyway. I guess I had better get started. They're not going to read themselves.
I should keep some sort of excel chart to see how long it takes me to read them and what page I'm on when and stuff. 

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