Sunday, January 29, 2012

Exercise Fiend

When I lived in Toronto, the only time I'd do anything remotely physical in terms of activities, was when I'd ride my bike around. If If I didn't have my bike, I didn't leave my house.
Gross, right?!

I live in England now and there's something about it that makes me want to be the sportiest person in the world. I've started running, even. Which is crazy because I've spent most of my life abhorring running and all things related.

I've pretty much hijacked the boy's ipod and I have a running application on it and another that tracks my weight, caloric intake, and how many calories I burn exercising. So far, I've lost 4kg. Most of which was probably bloaty water weight, but whatever.

We went into Manchester the other day and went shopping. I picked up a pair of rugby shorts, sweatpants for running in the morning when it's cold, a sports bra, sport socks, and a rugby ball. Next time we go, I'm going to get some running shoes.

I've also been cooking more since I have access to a kitchen and pantry space. Stoked!

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