Sunday, April 25, 2010

I Am So Not A Hipster, Thanks

My friend Paul Marc tried to inform me that I was a hipster a few weeks ago. I'm so not a hipster. It's all coincidence that I live in Parkdale, wear skinny jeans and plaid, ride a fixed-gear bike, make mixtapes, have a record collection, listen to Vampire Weekend, can often be found at Sneaky Dee's, and that my favourite clothing stores are thrift stores, American Apparel, and Urban Outfitters.

I'm SO not a hipster. This is all just coincidental. Silliness. But seriously. For the record. I'm not a hipster. At all. I defy labels.

But anyway, I did see some hipsters when I was riding around Ferndale a week or so ago. Which was hilarious. Because Ferndale/Michigan hipsters look like Toronto hipsters looked last year and how Williamsburg hipsters looked two years ago. Ahahaha. It's spreading. Escape while you can.

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