Monday, May 18, 2009

Hot For...

Priest. Yeezzz pleeezzz.

So. In Angels and Demons, which I saw today, Ewan McGregor (do.want.) plays a priest. I like priests and noses... which is why the Rosenrot music video is so good. They're all... repressed and weirdly religious. So hot.

I got the epic giggles every time he would be on screen. He's too adorable! Also. I've seen him naked in at least 2 different movies. He's very nice to look at when he's naked.

Talking of naked. I saw Flake's wang. The whole thing. I've also seen Till's... not the whole thing, but part of it. And Viggo Mortensen's. I'm sure there are more... but they're probably all far less exciting than the above.

Oh. I lied. I've seen Heath Ledger's junk too.

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