Friday, December 17, 2010

Dreaming In Spanish

When I'm sick, I have really weird dreams. One that's re-occurring and a bunch of others that are just mental. But being sick, I'm usually only half asleep or drifting between dream world and the real world. So my dreams are kind of like hallucinations as well.

Earlier, I had a dream where I was in the (Doctor) Whoniverse and if I didn't go to the grocery store to get food and medicine at a certain time, the world would end or something. Which is kind of terrifying. But I really didn't feel up to going to the store right then, but I kept worrying about it for a while longer until I fell back asleep at about 8pm.

The second dream I had was in Spanish. Which is ridiculous as I don't speak Spanish! All I can say are basic things like, "hi" "how are you" and "please". So... I don't think I even understood what was going on. It was really weird.

But! To my utter joy and delight, once I woke up from Spanish World, I was feeling a lot better. I even feel up to going to the store now. I didn't expect to feel this fine for at least two more days... and I was expecting those two days to be miserable. Yay body!

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