Monday, December 6, 2010


I'm too excited about seeing Rammstein in 3 days to sleep, so instead I'm awake writing weird jokesy fan letters to Alan Rickman. Hopefully he won't read them. But... they are hilarious. So I hope SOMEONE does. The one I'm currently working on is basically a rant about how in the fantasy life I have with him, he likes poached eggs, and I don't know how to cook poached eggs and really wish he'd prefer scrambled instead.

I do not have a fantasy life with Alan Rickman.

But it is true that I don't know how to cook poached eggs. I think that's the one where you drop it into the water...? Oh well. I'm not worried about it as I don't really like eggs anyway.

I think this is because when I was growing up, the only thing my mom (not my mum) knew how to cook for breakfast was scrambled eggs... so I'm kind of tired of them now.

Anyway, I'm just sitting here being ridiculous.
Because I can.

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