Monday, February 7, 2011


I have a chunk of metal wrapped around my thumb/wrist.
Last wednesday, I was on my way home from school/work and I slammed my hand into the side of a metal truck when I slipped on some ice. Ouch.
Then, on Thursday, I fell on said same hand while skiing because I'm kinda fail at skiing across ice on a steep mountainside. (However, I fucking rule at snowboarding)

It's quite handy and keeps my thumb protected... but is also ridiculously annoying. I should re-wrap it.

In other news, Gord(on Bombay) and I (Danish) get to stay home this week and cook for everyone else. Today we're making icecream and we're getting a new house mate. He's called Terry and internet creepery has led us to believe that he's from Malta or something. So we've been calling him either The Fox (Terry Fox) or The (Maltese) Falcon.

We think we're so clever.

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